1. MubasherTrade Document Checklist - Individual

2. MubasherTrade Document Checklist - Corporate

MubasherTrade Document Checklist - Individual

Clients Account opening form IDs Other Documents
GCC Nationals Printed Account Opening form signed by the client Copy of Passport
Copy of National ID (with photograph)
Utility Bill that shows the Physical Address (Not P.O box)
For Clients Trading in UAE Markets - A BANK STATEMENT (or Account Certificate with the IBAN) that is not older than 3 months
GCC Residents Printed Account Opening form signed by the client Copy of Passport
Copy of Resident Visa page OR Local ID copy (with photograph)
Utility Bill that shows the Physical Address (Not P.O box)
For Clients Trading in UAE Markets - A BANK STATEMENT (or Account Certificate with the IBAN) that is not older than 3 months
Other Clients Printed Account Opening form signed by the client Copy of Passport or a Copy of any other ID (with photograph) Utility Bill that shows the Physical Address (Not P.O box)
For Clients Trading in UAE Markets - A BANK STATEMENT (or Account Certificate with the IBAN) that is not older than 3 months

Note: Please email the documents to global@mubashertrade.com
Note: UAE Nationals & Residents may have to provide additional documentation upon request, in order to comply with the UAE regulatory requirements.
In case the customer is unable to provide the original document for identification (e.g. a customer sending the copy of the document by post); the copy must be certified by one of the following from a GCC or FATF member state

  1. A lawyer
  2. A notary
  3. A chartered / certified accountant
  4. An official of a government ministry
  5. An official of an embassy or consulate or
  6. An official of another licensed financial institution or of its associate

MubasherTrade Document Checklist - Corporate


Attestation of the Copies

  1. A lawyer
  2. A notary
  3. A chartered / certified accountant
  4. An official of a government ministry
  5. An official of an embassy or consulate or
  6. An official of another licensed financial institution or of its associate
Mubasher Financial Services BSC (C) Licensed & Regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain

Head Office,
181 Platinum Tower, Building 190,
Road 2803, Al-Seef District,
Manama , Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: +973 17556139/17300849
Fax: +973 17556124
Email: global@mubashertrade.com

Mubasher Financial Services BSC (C) is licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain as an Investment Business Firm (Category 1) with license No. IBF – 1/021 and is registered with Ministry of Industry & Commerce Bahrain with registration number 65077
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